Taro Yam cookies

This is heaven..so try it! Recipe @food.by.katiie


    3 egg whites
    150g of granulated sugar
    80g ground coconut
    30g powdered Xylitol
    Taro Yam Powder


    2 tablespoons of softened butter
    1 tablespoon of peanut butter


Beat the egg whites together with the sugar, then add the powdered Xylitol, coconut, Taro Yam. Place the dough in the shape of lollipops on a sheet lined with baking paper (you can also use molds) and dry for about 50 minutes at 120 degrees.

-in the meantime make the cream-

Rub the softened butter with the sweetener and finally mix in the peanut butter. Mix thoroughly with a whisk.